ASSociation of Italian Organization studies Academics

The Association aims to contribute to the development and diffusion of knowledge in the field of Organization studies both in scientific and applied domains, in Italy and abroad, also developing contacts with national and international academic societies.

cloudIn order to achieve such aims, the Association promotes and sustains initiatives able to encourage relationship and international collaborations between scholars of Organization studies (as well as those of complementary disciplines) and a varieties of entities, such as economic and institutional actors (both public and private), other national or international associations, firms, as well as academic societies.

The Association actively participates to the international debate on the evolution of the discipline in society and in the economic arena, coping with public istitutions managing Universities and research bodies, also establishing comparisons with international higher education systems. This is achieved through public initiatives, documents and proposals.

The Association wishes to drive Organization studies towards excellence in research, in teaching and in the transfer of knowledge towards the world of business, paying particolar attention to the standards established at international level and their adaptation to the european and national peculiarities.
The Association aims at organizing scientific workshops, seminars, public events, retaining and developing the formula of the Workshop of Italian organizational scholars – WOA, both at national and international level, also fostering the link of such initiatives with the main international conferences on the themes of Economics, Management studies, and Organization studies.

To achieve its goals, the Association may deploy relationships and agreements with other associations (at national and international level), and with research entities whose institutional characters are aligned with those of the Association. The delegates of the Association in national and international entities are designated by the Board of the Association.

The Association carries out at least one scientific meeting every year, in Italy or abroad, named Workshop of Italian organizational scholars – WOA. The way in which this event takes place, the organizational details and the scientific content, are decided annually by the Board of the Association, that is meant to represent significatively all associates. The scientific and organizing committees of WOA are designated by the Board of the Association.


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